
시각화 툴

ROS & Rviz

$ roscore
$ rosrun tf2_ros static_transform_publisher 0 0 0 0 0 0 world_frame kinect_link
$ rosrun pcl_ros pcd_to_pointcloud table.pcd 0.1 _frame_id:=kinect_link cloud_pcd:=kinect/depth_registered/points
$ rosrun rviz rviz

Cloud Compare

홈페이지, 블로그

$ sudo snap install cloudcompare
$ sudo snap refresh --edge cloudcompare
$ cloudcompare.CloudCompare


홈페이지, PCL Plugin, YouTube데모

# apt 설치 
apt-get install paraview

# 코드 설치 
# paraview 다운로드 : https://www.paraview.org/download/
# 권장 버젼 : ParaView v4.1.0+,   PCL v1.5.1+
$ tar xvfz ParaView-3.14.1-Source.tar.gz
$ cd /home/ParaView-3.12.0 
$ mkdir build 
$ cd build 
$ ccmake .. #OR $cmake-gui Make sure that BUILD_SHARED_LIBS is set to ON Configure and generate files 
$ make 
# 실행 파일 : /home/ParaView-3.12.0/build/bin

PCL-Cpp 제공 툴

PCLVisualizer, PCL Visualization overview


$ sudo apt install pcl-tools 
$ pcl_viewer [파일명.pcd]
The viewer window provides interactive commands; for help, press 'h' or 'H' from within the window.
Syntax is: pcl_viewer <file_name 1..N>.<pcd or vtk> <options>
  where options are:
                     -bc r,g,b                = background color
                     -fc r,g,b                = foreground color
                     -ps X                    = point size (1..64) 
                     -opaque X                = rendered point cloud opacity (0..1)
                     -shading X               = rendered surface shading ('flat' (default), 'gouraud', 'phong')
                     -position x,y,z          = absolute point cloud position in metres
                     -orientation r,p,y       = absolute point cloud orientation (roll, pitch, yaw) in radians
                     -ax n                    = enable on-screen display of XYZ axes and scale them to n
                     -ax_pos X,Y,Z            = if axes are enabled, set their X,Y,Z position in space (default 0,0,0)

                     -cam (*)                 = use given camera settings as initial view
 (*) [Clipping Range / Focal Point / Position / ViewUp / Distance / Field of View Y / Window Size / Window Pos] or use a <filename.cam> that contains the same information.

                     -multiview 0/1           = enable/disable auto-multi viewport rendering (default disabled)

                     -normals 0/X             = disable/enable the display of every Xth point's surface normal as lines (default disabled)
                     -normals_scale X         = resize the normal unit vector size to X (default 0.02)

                     -pc 0/X                  = disable/enable the display of every Xth point's principal curvatures as lines (default disabled)
                     -pc_scale X              = resize the principal curvatures vectors size to X (default 0.02)

                     -immediate_rendering 0/1 = use immediate mode rendering to draw the data (default: disabled)
                                                Note: the use of immediate rendering will enable the visualization of larger datasets at the expense of extra RAM.
                                                See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immediate_mode for more information.
                     -vbo_rendering 0/1       = use OpenGL 1.4+ Vertex Buffer Objects for rendering (default: disabled)
                                                Note: the use of VBOs will enable the visualization of larger datasets at the expense of extra RAM.
                                                See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vertex_Buffer_Object for more information.

                     -use_point_picking       = enable the usage of picking points on screen (default disabled)

                     -optimal_label_colors    = maps existing labels to the optimal sequential glasbey colors, label_ids will not be mapped to fixed colors (default disabled)

(Note: for multiple .pcd files, provide multiple -{fc,ps,opaque} parameters; they will be automatically assigned to the right file)

Usage example:

pcl_viewer -multiview 1 {AAA.pcd} {BBB.pcd} {CCC.pcd}

The above will load the partial_cup_model.pcd file 3 times, and will create a multi-viewport rendering (-multiview 1).

Last updated

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